Just as important as our visual identity, Material Bank's verbal identity helps create a cohesive brand structure that is intuitive, recognizable, and unique to our brand values. What follows is a detailed outline of who we are as a brand, how to speak Material Bank, and how to convey our unique value props to various audience segments. Enjoy.
Positioning statement.
A distinguished positioning statement is imperative to a successful identity. For Material Bank, our positioning statement stems from three key questions: What is our Product? What is our Channel? What is our Marketing?

Our story.
Every successful brand has a story to tell. And ours is unique. We're problem solvers, logistics experts, design enthusiasts, and creative conduits who connect talent with products the world over.

How to speak Material Bank.
A unique tone of voice helps to bring a brand to life. As confident, definitive, and authentic, let's explore how to do just that across our creative assets.
We dream big and deliver bigger. As leaders in our space, we speak with ambition and authority. We inspire with energy and enthusiasm, but keep it grounded in reality. We’re bold, but not arrogant. We’re action-oriented, and always back up our claims with concrete examples.
We’re here to make things happen. We speak simply, with courage and conviction. We make complex ideas intuitive and technical knowledge easy to understand. We hone our messages down to the core — never robotic — and keep things light when the time is right.
We never forget that we’re powered by real people. Though our operations span the globe, we don’t sound formal or bureaucratic — we keep it conversational and warm. We aren't just a service provider, we're facilitators and connectors. We personalize without being cutesy and balance our professionalism with empathy.
Confident examples

Definitive examples

Authentic examples

Our value props.
While the core idea behind Material Bank remains consistent the world over, we cater our value props in various ways to help personalize the experience for our diverse audiences.

Material metrics.
Brand promises, positioning statements, stories, and value props only work if you have a proof of concept to support your claims. For Material Bank, we use real-world metrics to help tell our story across various consumer touchpoints.
Not only do we showcase sustainable brands on our platform, but we ourselves adhere to a sustainable ethos, summed by the tagline: One site. One box. One planet.

Sustainability examples